Administration: Lead Privacy

Welcome to Lead Privacy in Outbound by Enreach. 

Here you can maintain Lead Privacy and deletion of data according to GDPR rules. 

Read through the article, or click a link below to get started.

In this article:

What is Lead Privacy?

Since the introduction of the European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in 2018, businesses across Europe have had to change the way they store and transfer data and personal information. 

As a rule, you should only store data that you have a purpose to store - and that purpose is up to you to define. For example, you may decide to store data on successes for 60 days, and data on Leads registered as not interested for 30 days

Before gathering any personal data, and calling private individuals in Outbound by Enreach, you must have permission from the Lead. Leads, or Data Subjects (to use the GDPR definition) are granted a certain number of rights when it comes to how their personal data is stored. 

Consequently, Data Subjects may request that all data associated with them be deleted
To handle this, in Outbound by Enreach we have a dedicated section called Lead Privacy. Here you can manage Lead data, block numbers, forget numbers, and prevent Leads from ever being uploaded to the system again. 

Lead Phone Numbers 

To access Lead Privacy, expand the Administration drop-down menu and select Lead Privacy.

In the navigation page you will see two options: Lead Phone Numbers, and Block Phone Numbers. Toggle between the two to switch the view. 

While in Lead Phone Numbers, you can either search for a specific phone number in the Search bar, or click Upload File to upload the numbers you want to block. 

Click Upload file to upload a CSV file containing the Lead phone numbers you want to block.

Note that you do not need a header in your CSV file.

When you have searched for a phone number, your display will look like the image below.

To the left is Leads Log: this is all the Leads where the phone number you searched for occurs. Click each Lead to see detailed data, and click Forget to forget the Lead Data. 

Please note! Clicking Forget cannot be undone - any Lead Data will be irretrievably deleted!
The Lead entity will be kept as an anonymous piece of data for statistics purposes, but all Lead Data will be deleted.

In the middle is Data Available. This is the list of all Lead Data entries configured in Campaign Templates that can be forgotten. 

To the right is Persons with Access: a list of all Users in your Organisation with access to this Lead. 

When you click a Lead to view the detailed Lead Data, it will look like the image below:

In the column to the left is all the historical data of when the Lead was contacted, including the date and time the calls were placed, and the call result recorded by the Agent. 

Block Phone Numbers

Toggle the top menu to Block Phone numbers to begin blocking Lead phone numbers.

The display page will look like the image below: 

You will see a list of all blocked phone numbers in Outbound by Enreach, including the Project they belong to, who blocked the number, when it was blocked, and the block expiration (if any). 

Click any phone number or the lock icon to the right to see the details. 

To set an expiration date for the block, click the calendar icon under Block expiration and manually enter the end-date

Alternatively, click Unblock to immediately unblock the number. 

To block numbers in bulk, click Upload File to upload a CSV file of all the numbers you wish to block. 

Once Leads have been blocked by Outbound by Enreach, they are placed in the Do Not Call List.

During Lead Import, new Leads are automatically checked against blocked numbers: if a Lead if found to have the same number of a number in the Do Not Call List, you will see this pop-up message, and the Lead will not be imported:

Automatic Deletion 

In order to comply with the rules set by GDPR, rules for automatic deletion of data need to set in place.

This can be done in Projects, and will allow you to handle deletion automatically and in bulk at Project level

To learn how to set up automatic deletion, head to this guide

To view any and all changes made to Lead Data in Outbound by Enreach, head over to ChangeLog to gain an overview, and see who in your Organisation has blocked or forgotten numbers. 

Additionally, you can see which Users have accessed Lead Admin, and gain more control over how sensitive data in your Organisation is stored and viewed - and most importantly, remain GDPR compliant

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