Idea Hub

The Idea Hub is an open forum where you can participate in the future of Outbound and Flows. Do you have an idea for an improvement? Know what will make your work more efficient? The Idea Hub is a direct line to the Product Team, and by getting to know our user's needs, we can continuously improve, creating a better product, and in the process, happier users 🙌

Who can submit an idea in Idea Hub?

Anyone with an idea is welcome to submit! As long as you are logged in to Outbound or Flows, you don't even have to leave the page you're working on, or create an account to create your idea.

If you want to post anonymously you can, and whichever way you choose, rest assured that none of your personal information will be visible to other users.

What do we do with your ideas?

All newly created ideas land in the ' Innovate' phase. This is the space where we can develop ideas together.

We read and review each idea that comes our way. For some we will ask for more information, or suggest a workaround to achieve your goal. 

If an idea is being actively considered for our roadmap or currently being worked on, it will move to the ' Being Researched' phase.

When an idea is already possible it is moved to the ' Already Possible' phase, and we'll guide you to the answer. This is also a great opportunity to see how others are using Outbound and Flows, and maybe get some inspiration for yourself!

If you submitted an idea and you haven't received a comment yet, then don't worry! Some ideas we want to hear what you think - like and comment, and let us know why it's important to you.

I posted in your previous idea hub: what happened with those ideas?

They're all still there! If you ever used our old idea hub, you will find we have migrated all your ideas and likes, and you will be able to see them in your user profile. 

How to submit an idea

If you have an idea you want to share, we want to hear it!

Whether you're starting in Outbound or Flows, the Idea Hub
can be accessed by selecting Idea Hub from the top bar.

When the widget is open, follow the steps on screen to create
your idea.

Give your idea a clear and descriptive name - make it obvious
what you're trying to achieve in the shortest way possible!
This will also make it easier for other to browse and like ideas. 

In the description, explain what result you are trying to achieve,
and what problem it solves for you. That way our Product
and Engineering teams get a good sense of
your needs when working in Outbound and Flows. 

When you have submitted your idea, browse the library of ideas already published!
The more likes and engagement an idea gets, the clearer
we can see a need for improvement.

You'll get an email notification when other users like or comment
on your idea, when it is moved to a different phase, or we
comment. You can turn these off in your account settings. 

The Idea Hub really works!

Check out some ideas we delivered.

Favouriting Views in Live Operations so you can see live statistics on your Team's performance

Silent call monitoring by Team Leaders

Rotation Rules and Usage Limits on Caller ID phone numbers
Locking the collapsable menu in Outbound 

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