Having sound issues?

Are you experiencing sound issues when calling?

Before you contact support, troubleshoot the following:

  1. Log out of Outbound and restart your computer. This will shut down processes that may be running in the background of your computer causing connection problems.
  2. Are you using the Built-in Soft Phone? Test the WebRTC connection by clicking this link.
  3. Are you connected with Bluetooth? Use a cable if possible. Multiple agents all connected with Bluetooth can cause connection problems.
  4. Connect your computer by cable and not wifi.
  5. Streaming music or watching videos can also cause a strain on your network, so ensure that no other programs are running when you are calling.
  6. Try a mobile hot spot (tethering) if possible to bypass the local network.
  7. Test the connection by disabling the local antivirus and firewall, as this can cause some processes to be blocked or delayed.  
  8. If possible, uninstall any browsers on your computer that you don't use. Multiple browsers can fight for rights and configuration, and cause problems with the connection. We recommend that you use either Chrome or Firefox for calling Leads. 
  9. If you're using Windows, there is a setting called Exclusive mode in the sound setting that blocks Outbound's use of the audio device. Here's how to change this:

Search Control Panel and open.

Select Hardware and Sound.

Then open Sound.

Under the Playback tab, select your headphones from the list and click Properties.

Next, under the Advanced tab, deselect Exclusive Mode and click Apply.

Go back to Sound, and under the Recording tab, select your headphones from the list and click Properties.

Deselect Exclusive Mode and click Apply.

Do none of the above solve your sound problems?

Contact support with the following information:

  • How many agents are experiencing the problem?
  • An example of the problem: Screenshots, recordings, lead ID of a call when this problem was experienced
  • A screenshot of your console (read how to do that here).

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