Do you use Report Admin and old Lead Admin?

Do you use Report Admin or old Lead Admin?

Soon, both Report Admin and old Lead Admin will be removed from Outbound by Enreach. 

All users will be moved to the newly developed features Reports and Lead Admin, where they will find all of their saved reports and Lead views.

The shut down of these features will be done gradually, so we will inform you of the exact date that you and your organisation can expect these changes. 

Why is this happening?

There are several overlapping features in Outbound by Enreach - ones that have a similar set of functions, but perform much differently. This is due to their age, the technology behind the feature, the number of users who find value in them - and much more. This not only causes problems for our users, who are stuck using outdated or underperforming features, but also the Outbound Team, who have to maintain two features!

To provide the best quality user experience for our users, and future-proof our product, we will shut down the older feature, and move users to the newer counterpart. 

What does this mean for me?

We know any change to your way of working can be temporarily disruptive, but we have worked hard to ensure there will be minimal disruption for our users, including months of user interviews, deep-dives into product and user data, and developing the features you need to continue your work. 

You will have a new user experience as you become accustomed to the newer features and page layout, but will find 99% of your saved configurations waiting for you, along with a host of awesome new functions, improved speed, reliability, and customisation options. 

Are you a Report Admin or old Lead Admin User?

Here's what you need to know:

  • Report Admin and old Lead Admin will be removed from Outbound
  • All users will use Reports and new Lead Admin to continue their activities
  • Saved Reports and Lead filters can be cloned to the new modules on demand
  • While data will be migrated, we know that you will need to familiarise yourself with a new user interface. We highly recommend getting started with this ASAP so you are prepared. Read our guides on Reports and Lead Admin here. 


Q: What will happen to saved and custom Lead Admin views and Reports?

A: All saved views will be migrated and waiting for the user in the new module.

If the saved report is grouped via date, week, or month, this will not be possible to view in Reports. A pop-up will inform you that this filtering option is no longer a possibility. However, if you need to view a report based on these filters, it can be generated using the Report API. 

Q: Will the columns in Reports match the columns in Reports Admin?

A: Almost, yes. Reports Total Time Multiplier – Default Value will not be included in Reports.  

Pauses will not be included in Reports but can be seen in the Time Usage page.

Q: I use the columns ‘First Call Time’ and ‘Latest Call Time’ in Old Lead Admin. Can I continue to use these columns?

A: Yes. Two new data types will be created so you can continue to filter using these parameters. 

Q: Will I have access to the same data after the migration?

A: In Lead Admin, you will have access to all the same data. 

In Reports, you will have access to the same data, but will be unable to group on days and weeks, or time. 

Saved Reports and Lead Views will be accessible in the new modules, and you will not have to recreate them.

Q: Will Job Scheduling be affected?

A: No. Job Scheduling for both Reports and Lead Admin will continue to work. If a you want to modify existing jobs, this can be done from the new feature. 

Q: There is a limit of 1000 Leads in Lead Admin. Can this be increased?

A: No. When customers work with or bulk change 1000+ Leads at once, it affects the performance and speed of Outbound. If you need to work with 1000+ Leads, you can either re-run the query in Lead Admin, or perform bulk changes by exporting the Leads to a CSV, and re-uploading it with the changes. 

A guide to working with 1000+ Leads can be found here.

Q: Will it be possible to set a limit on the number of Leads searched for in Lead Admin?

A: No, this feature will not be implemented in New Lead Admin, for the same reasons as the 1000 Leads limit rule.

Q: Will it be possible to search and filter on active or inactive Leads?

A: Yes. This will be implemented in the filtering options in New Lead Admin.

Q: Will existing API requests continue to work?

A: Yes. All existing API integrations will keep working.

Q: Can I reschedule dial time with an interval in Lead Admin?

A: This is possible through the Edit Leads function in Lead Admin. However, this action can only be performed one Lead at a time. 

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