Administration: Access Log

Welcome to Access Log in Outbound by Enreach. 

If you are an Administrator, you can view all attempts to log on with a user name to Outbound by Enreach.

To access the Access Log, expand the; Administration menu and select Access Log.

In the navigation page, you will see a list of all successful and unsuccessful access attempts to Outbound by Enreach, along with Time, User name, IP Address, and attempt Status

The default is list view. To view the Access Log as a calendar, click the calendar icon to the right of the navigation page. 

In Calendar View you will see a daily breakdown of access attempts
Change the time period by clicking the arrows next to the date. 

In the top menu are a list of different filters

Expand the Status drop-down menu to filter by Succeeded and Failed access attempts.

If you are in List view, expand the date drop-down menu to filter by a list of default time periods.

Choose Custom date range and click the calendar icon to manually select the time period in the date picker

To update your search with the filters, click Search.

Use the Search bar to search for access attempt by a specific field, for example a user name, or IP address

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